Ulrike E Sticher
Visual Artist, Gallery Owner, Curator

Ulrike E Sticher
Visual Artist, Gallery Owner, Curator
Professional Biography:
2022 | founding the ensemble "Pinselklänge" with the musician Stefan Mann |
since 2021 | artistic guidance for the doctor's office of Fachinternisten Aschaffenburg |
since 2020 | gallery owner of Kunstraum Backstube, Darmstadt |
2019 | founding the artist's collective "Polyptychon" |
2017 | artistic redesign of the blessing and farewell room at the Altenpflegeheim An den Platanen of "Mission Leben", Neu-Isenburg |
2016 | organizational leadership of the Gathering of Artisans Europe, Bad Homburg |
since 2015 | teaching fine art workshops |
since 2015 | founding member and chairwoman of K im Fluss e.V. |
since 2014 | curation of the Artists Night at the Darmstadt Orangery |
2002 | birth of daughter, family break until 2013 |
2002 | participated in the project "Bessungen bible - a modern perikope book", Darmstadt |
2001 | student of Norbert Härtl, fine art, Europäische Kunstakademie Trier |
1999 - 2002 | teaching creative-experimental courses for children and teens in own studio |
1998 - 2000 | student of Matthias Will, fine art, Darmstadt, Germany |
1995 - 1997 | student of Leslie Masters, Color Painter, Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center, Birmingham MI, USA |
1995 | student of Daniel Keller, Paint Creek Center for the Arts, Rochester MI, USA |
1992 - 1997 | lived in Michigan, USA |
1988 | birth of son |
since 1984 | married |
1980 - 1988 | trained and worked as a nurse |
1962 | born in Neustadt/Weinstraße, Germany |
Exhibitions (selection):
2023 | "Eine Welt voller Verbote" (A World Full of Bans), an exhibition for women's and human rights in Iran, FrauenKulturZentrum Darmstadt (G) |
2022 | "Der Klang von Farben", a joint project with the musician Manuel Steinhoff, Kunstraum Backstube, Darmstadt (S) |
2020 | "aus dem Ei gepellt", Kunstraum Backstube, Darmstadt (S) |
2020 | St. Jansdal Hospital, Harderwijk, NL (G) |
2019 | "mehrWERT", Kunstforum, Mosbach (G) |
2018 | European Leaders Advance Conference, Harrogate Convention Centre, UK (G) |
2017 | Visual Voice, Momentum Church, Aarau, Switzerland (G) |
2014 | Gathering of Artisans, Asheville, North Carolina, USA (G) |
2003 | "Rastplatz am Paradiesgarten", Gallery of Software AG, Darmstadt (E) |
2003 | Agrar- und Freilichtmuseum Schloss Blankenhain, Landkreis Zwickau (G) |
2002 | "Tulpophilie", Volksbank Reinheim (S) |
2002 | Bessungen Graphic Bible, Kunsthalle Darmstadt (G) |
since 1996 | Group exhibitions in the USA, UK, Switzerland, Netherlands and Germany |
Live painting:
since 2014 | at art or cultural events or conferences, on small or big stages in the USA, UK, Switzerland and Germany |
Artwork in public places:
Object "Himmelsleiter", United Methodist Church, Christuskirche Frankfurt |
Painting "Zuhause in Raum, Zeit und Ewigkeit", Altenpflegeheim An den Platanen von "Mission Leben", Neu-Isenburg |
Painting "Aus der Ruhe in Bewegung", on hard foam board at the central waiting room of the doctor's office Fachinternisten Aschaffenburg |